Sunday, June 06, 2010

GED Math Tip: Understand Your Math Skills

GED Math Tip #2: Understand Your Math Skills

Now that you know a little about the GED math test, it is time to focus on YOU. How do you feel about math? When you think about having to solve a fraction, decimal, or percent problem.... do you have a feeling of intense frustration or helplessness? Do you feel confident or terrified?
Part of your frustration may come from not knowing what your math skills are. Learningtrends has a free pre-ged math assessment to help you determine what you know and also what you don't. Taking this assessment will NOT determine all that you need to study, but it will be a start. Click here to take now.

Math Anxiety: A feeling of intense frustration or helplessness about one's ability to do math. It is an emotional reaction to math based on past unpleasant math experiences. To help overcome math anxiety, you must have good learning experiences in math.

If you feel anxious about math, you may want to consider learning (or reviewing) it in what I call "slivers". Learn a little at a time with continuous review. Start with what you already know and build on that knowledge.

Find a good math book that starts with whole numbers and number sense.

Determine if you know your basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Click here to access learning Quia math facts activities.

If you find that you need review in basic math facts, check out Learningtrends free math flashcards to help.

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